Get Drug License online in Delhi
Find information about Drug License Process, Drug License Plans, Registration Procedure, Documents Required,
Drugs are essential for ensuring good health of a Nation. Drugs are different from other commodities and because of that the Government has laid down stringent law. Regulation governing manufacture & sale of drugs are given in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules framed thereunder. Control is exercised over drugs from the raw material stage during manufacture, sale, distribution and upto the time it is passed-on to a patient or consumer by a Pharmacist in retail Pharmacy, Hospital or a Dispensary.
Types of Licences issued by the Department for sale of Drugs and documents required:-
A. Different types of licence required for the sale of drugs (the required number of application form for a particular licence is mentioned in the bracket) are given hereunder:-
(i) Licence on Form 20 is issued for the sale of Allopathic drugs by retail other than those specified in Schedule C, C(1) and X.
(ii) Licence on Form 20-A is issued for the sale of restricted Allopathic drugs by retail other than those specified in schedule C, C(1) and X. (Form-19A)
(iii)Licence on Form 20-B is issued for wholesale of Allopathic drugs other than those specified in Sch C, C(1) and X.
(iv) Licence on form 20-C is issued for sale of Homoeopathic medicines by retail. (Form-19B)
(v) Licence on Form 20-D is issued for sale of Homoeopathic Medicines by wholesale.(Form -19B)
(vi) Licence on Form 21 is issued for retail sale of Allopathic drugs specified in Sch C & C(1).(Form-19)
(vii) Licence on Form 21-B is issued for wholesale of Allopathic drugs specified in Sch C & C(1).
(viii) Licence on form 21-A is issued for retail sale of restricted Allopathic drugs specified in Schedule C (I).
(ix) Licence on Form 20-F is issued for retail sale of drugs specified in Sch. 'X'. (Form-19-C).
(x) Licence on Form 20-G is issued for wholesale of drugs Specified in Sch. 'X'. (Form-19-C)
(i) Online fee deposit receipts.
(ii) Application Form No. 19/19A/19B/19C as applicable (System Generated)
(iii) Site plan and key plan of the premises.
(iv) Constitution of the firm viz: Memorandum and articles of association and Copy of resolution Passed, in case of company. Partnership deed, duly attested by Notary Public, in case of partner-ship firm. Trust deed, in case of trust / society.
(v) Photo ID proof of proprietor / partner / director of the firm.
(vi) Affidavit regarding non-conviction of Prop./Partner/Director as well as the firm under Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940.
(vii) Affidavit regarding compliance of MPD 2021, if the premises are located on DDA residential flat / plot /building
(viii) Conversion charge receipt issued by MCD with relevant documents in support of commercial use as per MPD 2021 viz; copy showing the Name of notified commercial / mixed use road/street.
(ix) Affidavit from the Regd. pharmacist/competent person (System Generated).
(x) For Retail Sale Registered Pharmacist:
a) Proof of qualification i.e. final degree certificate / provisional certificate with mark sheets.
b) Registration of Delhi Pharmacy Council,
c) Appointment Letter and Bio-data
(xi) For Wholesale Licence Competent person:
a) Proof of qualification i.e. final degree certificate / provisional certificate with mark sheets
b) Experience Certificate,
c) Appointment Letter and Bio-data.
(xii) Premises : a) If Owned:
either Regd. Sale Deed / Regd. GPA / Conveyance Deed in the name of owner,
Documents required To Obtain Drugs Licence for manufacturing of drugs
B) Self Occupied.
If you would like to get the Drug License job completed all by yourself, it would be time-consuming and confusing. There isn't one single source of information that can clear your doubts as policies and procedures change over time. We at Luxe, are specialized in this field and have a good experience and expert knowledge on getting things done smoothly and hassle-freely.
You could plan your business by sipping a cup of coffee peacefully while we take care of the registration process for your ambitious and successful Drug License.
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